Juniper Jillian Joy, formerly known as Tammie Shannon, is a Renaissance woman of the twenty-first century. Joy is most known for having two successful careers, one as a soulful Nashville Recording Blues Artist Singer/Songwriter while, also managing her own business, Shannon Success Strategies, as a life coach and financial strategist creating niche strategies for her high-net-worth clients focusing on tax-free retirement solutions as well as teaching business leaders how to use intentions targeted at the inner child experience to build and grow their businesses and most recently, a book author.
Juniper Jillian Joy has spent the last seven years traveling the world researching the human body and emotional response systems, as well as how trauma, negative stimuli, and other damaging conditions affect the emotional response systems. During her many years of travel and interactions with doctors, educators, and research she discovered she had the potential to heal her inner child from previous traumatic experiences.
Juniper Jillian Joy was raised in northeast Arkansas. She grew up Pentecostal, conditioned to
believe that if she wore pants, put on makeup, or cut her hair, she was dishonoring God. She
was sexually assaulted by a close family friend when she was 12 years old. She was
emotionally stifled as a result of this heinous act.
“My father withdrew from me leaving me to feel unloved, dirty, and unworthy of his love. This
caused many issues in my relationships with men because I was never really able to trust
myself which left me unable to trust anyone else. My non-existing relationship with my father
caused lifelong damage to my inner child and emotional state of mind that I ended up dating
and married to men that were narcissistic, controlling, verbally or physically abusive. I felt as if I
were a possession and my voice, at home, was stifled completely out. It wasn’t until I lost 18lbs,
my hair started falling out, and I ended up in the hospital literally dying from abuse and
unhappiness that I became aware of the seriousness of the situation I was really in and that,
was my wake-up call! I knew, if I didn’t change my life, right then, I would be dead within a year.
I needed to become the change I wanted to see in my life and the lives of my daughters.”
Juniper Jillian Joy divorced her verbally abusive, controlling spouse in 2015 and began working
on herself to change her life by exploring ways to repair her emotionally stunted inner child. She
employed strategies from her own healing journey to help her clients heal from their own inner
traumas as she healed from her own scars. The outcomes were nothing short of miraculous.
She began writing books to create a roadmap for readers to direct their intentions toward their
inner child for healing in order to live a joyful successful life. This inspired her most recent book,
The First Story of Intention: The Introduction to the Inner Child.
The First Story of Intention… is the first installment of a series and it begins with a fascinating
fable based on fantasy fiction and talks about two sisters. Sara, who is three, represents the
inner child, while Cindy, her five-year-old sister, represents the conditioned adult. “My lovely
book is written using science, spirituality, emotion, the Bible, my humor, and seven years of
daily notes to cure my inner child so that I could become whole and unified with myself, unified
with God, Mother Earth, and all beings of love and light. Just like me, my books are
sophisticated, complex, and yet, simple. Every term, item, and concept in my works have at
least 20 levels of meaning but are easy for everyone to understand.”
Juniper Jillian Joy’s mission with The First Story of Intention… “is to establish a precedent; to
lead with compassion, kindness, honor, nobility, truth, respect, integrity, and support for self and
others. We are all sick and tired of living in a world dominated by greed, fear, and bullying! It is
high time for everyone in the world to know God’s true intentions for all of us while experiencing
God's unconditional love so that love can grow within ourselves, expand out into our families,
friends and communities all over the world so that we may all heal.”
As a channel and messenger of God, Joy, teaches, guides, and shares God’s unconditional love
via intentional, conscious living to heal the inner child of everyone who desires to be the change
they want to see in their life.
“When we accept responsibility for ourselves, as I did, we have the ability to change ourselves,
which in turn transforms everything in the world around us.”
The series will eventually be available in a number of languages, ensuring that no matter what
language you speak or read, you will be able to heal your inner child traumas and experience
the pleasure, happiness, love, and prosperity that we all so richly deserve.
The First Story of Intention: The Introduction to the Inner Child is available soon on Amazon and